TREASURER Kaitlyn Breedlove

Kaitlyn Breedlove is the Market Manager for the Durham Farmers' Market. She is passionate about strengthening the local food system and increasing awareness around food insecurity and childhood nutritional education. When she isn't managing the market, she spends most of her time being entertained by her two children, Jack and Frankie. After living in Texas for a few years, she is thrilled to be back home in North Carolina and serving both her local community and the NCFMN statewide initiative. 



Maggie Funkhouser is currently serving as the Chair of the NC Farmers Market Network. She is the Market Manager of the Carrboro Farmers’ Market in Carrboro, NC, where she has worked since 2019. She was raised in North Carolina’s Triangle and has worked in local food systems there for many years, including as an educator, gardener, baker, and foodservice industry worker before coming to the farmers market. She carries with her a love of writing, language, and storytelling from her classical education background, and she is drawn to foodways stories and oral histories. She is especially interested in the intersection of food access and farmers markets, as well as learning more about making farmers’ markets inclusive, equitable, and accessible community spaces.

Salem Neff has been a value-added producer selling her jams and pickles, a vegetable farm worker, an agriculture non-profit coordinator and a farmers market co-founder and market manager of the Cobblestone Farmers Market in Winston-Salem. Her current farmers market support is with grant management for Cobblestone.

Becky is an attorney who specializes in nonprofit, cooperative, and small business development.   She recently retired from NC State Extension, where she served the State of North Carolina for over 10 years as a community development specialist.  Born and raised in North Carolina, she has lived in several states and worn many hats, but she is perhaps best known for her knowledge of cooperatives and passion for collaboration. Her work at NC State has frequently intersected with local food system development.  Becky has conducted regional food system assessments, created a variety of food system related curricula, and secured millions in federal and foundation grant funding.  She also piloted NC State Extension’s Vacationer Supported Agriculture project on the North Carolina coast, connecting vacationers with fresh local food aggregated and delivered by food-centric nonprofits and small-scale farmers.

Hannah Dankbar is the Local Food Program Manager at NC State Extension. In this role Hannah encourages the production, marketing, and consumption of food produced in North Carolina. Hannah began working with farmers market managers early in the Covid-19 pandemic. She supports farmers markets as public spaces and viable market channels for farmers and other vendors. As a board member Hannah will develop educational resources, marketing materials, and focus on market evaluation and research.



Brett Pinsent is the Market Manager for the Cary Downtown Farmers Market and the Regional Representative for the North Central Region of the NCFMN. He grew up on the west coast, where his family has owned a small retail business for over 40 years. Having grown up in a household of entrepreneurs, he finds deep meaning working with small businesses to help them grow and flourish. Brett became a Market Manager because he is dedicated to providing space for communities to connect with local farmers, food makers, and crafts folk so they can build relationships with the people who are growing, raising, and making the items they purchase.

Born and raised in the North Carolina mountains, Sam grew up with a strong love of local food and, upon reaching 21, local wine. She is a leading advocate of North Carolina wines, previously working with Charlotte Food & Wine Weekend and as Wine Coordinator of the Sensoria Food & Wine festival – a collaboration of CPCC and Piedmont Culinary Guild. As an introduction to farmers markets, Sam became the Director of South End (née Atherton) Market in 2015, and is a managing partner of Farmers Market Management Services.  Recognized in 2022 as the Unpretentious Palate Local Food Advocate, Sam has supported community connectivity through food.  Sam is now the Mecklenburg County NC Cooperative Extension Local Foods Agent.


Nora Rodli is the Program Coordinator for the NC Farmers Market Network.  She brings over 25 years of agricultural experience ~ from working as a farmer and also with farmer training and education.  She also has a healthcare background as an advanced public health nurse (APHN).  Currently living and farming in Boone, NC, Nora is passionate about the primary roles that local food and increased access to local food can play in health promotion and disease prevention, resilient local food systems and vibrant inclusive communities. 

Regional RepresentativeS

Mike McCreary, ASAP’s Farmers Market Program Director, has worked with ASAP from 2008 and oversaw the development of Asheville City Market, a farmer-led market in downtown Asheville that helped pilot SNAP access at farmers markets in WNC.  He currently provides support to market managers and works to build the capacity of farmers markets across the region, including implementing SNAP/EBT and incentive programs.. 



Catherine reached NC in 1988 with her family for her husband’s research lab UNC-CH and enjoyed raising her family there while volunteering for the Carrboro Farmers’ Market and Habitat for Humanity until 2006. Moving to the coast for retirement provided new volunteer opportunities such as starting the Carteret Local Food Network and the Olde Beaufort Farmers’ Market. From 2010 to 2018, she owned and farmed Underground Farm, fulfilling a lifelong dream to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs commercially. After leaving Underground Farm, she was able to devote more time to CLFN, hiring two stellar employees and buying a Mobile Market Veggie Bus to serve neighborhoods whose access to fresh, locally grown produce is difficult to find and afford. She bought into the SNAP system and found grants to support the Double Bucks program. More good things to come!



Kelly joined Farmer Foodshare in 2022 as its Executive Director, working to ensure that the operations of the organization are always and actively supporting our mission and vision of providing fresh, local food for all. Kelly’s vast experience includes non profit leadership, small scale farming, fundraising and policy work.  Prior to working at Farmer Foodshare, Kelly served for four years as the Executive Director of the Oregon Farmers Markets Association, followed by a period as the Annual Fund Manager for the Triangle Land Conservancy. She is a graduate of the University of Georgia, and also owned and operated a sustainable farm in Charleston, West Virginia for 5 years. Additionally, she previously served as the Executive Director of the West Virginia Farmers Markets Association and, before that, was a Policy Analyst for the West Virginia Legislature.